Uniformed Security Officers
Uniformed Security Officers
Our uniformed security services are normally performed at major sporting events, special events, conferences, condominium lobbies or even a high-rise building lobby area, retail establishments, entertainment centers and even film production details. From time to time on certain personal protection details or even executive protection details we assign an unarmed security agent at the client's request.
Selection of uniformed security personnel is critical. We tend to utilize our junior military veterans and junior private security personnel for these details. Each uniformed security agent is properly vetted and trained to meet the minimum requirements from their prospective states that they work in. As for our unarmed security guards in Illinois they must have a minimum of 20 hours of security guard training.
At Secure Options Consulting, LLC we conduct our very own 20-hour resident security guard training program following the State of Illinois guidelines. In our unarmed security guard training program, the guards will learn from the following topics:
Duties of Security and Private Detectives
Laws of Arrest / Search and Seizure as it Applies to Security
Civil and Criminal Liability
Use of Force
Arrest and Control Techniques
Private Police and Reporting to Law Enforcement
Fire Safety
Process Service and Report Writing
Human and Public Relations
Overview on Terrorism
Illinois Compiled Statutes
Upon completion of the resident security guard training program, each student will have to pass a written examination demonstrating their baseline knowledge. Every (6) months of employment Secure Options conducts an (8) block of in-service security guard training to each unarmed security officer.
To learn more about our Unarmed Security Services, contact us at info@secureoptionsconsulting.com or call 1.866.850.6863